Alte Esso-Tankstelle

Stadt Wolfsburg
Subnet:  1 - F:1 - R:1 - A:1
  2 Roads
  Go North / WOB-Braunschweiger Straße to Südkopf (50 kph)
  Go South / WOB-Braunschweiger Straße to Braunschweiger/Röntgen (50 kph)

Cities within a radius of 3 miles (miles as the crow flies):
Planetarium  0.144
Wolfsburg  0.627
Culture Shocks  1.06
Rabenberg  1.29
Wolfsburg 10-76008 52-41802  1.61
VW-Verwaltungshochhaus  1.78
Autostadt  1.93
Volkswagenwerk  1.93
Sandkamp  2.51

Nearest Class 1 cities (miles as the crow flies):
Wolfsburg  0.627
Weyhausen  6.83
Osloß  9.21
Calberlah  10.9
Lehre  12.5