Wald Fürstenau

Kreis Peine
Subnet:  1 - F:1 - R:1 - A:326
  3 Roads
  Go North / PE-FUE-nord-sued to Wald Fürstenau/X-Nordost (20 kph)
  Go East / PE-Feldweg BO-Fue to Kanalbrücker Bortfeld Nord (20 kph)
  Go South / PE-Fue-suedlich vom X to Wald Fürstenau/Nahe Lichtung (20 kph)

Cities within a radius of 3 miles (miles as the crow flies):
Fürstenau  1.53

Nearest Class 1 cities (miles as the crow flies):
Wendeburg  3.8
Groß Schwülper  7.87
Peine  9.01
Braunschweig  12.1
Hillerse  12.6