Kanalbrücke Denstorf

Country:  Kreis Peine
Subnet:  1 - F:1 - R:1 - A:1
  2 Roads
  Go Southwest / BS-Kanaltreppe Denstorf to Kanalufer Denstorf (2 kph)
  Go East / PE-B1 to B1 in Denstorf (50 kph)

Cities within a radius of 3 miles (miles as the crow flies):
Denstorf-Klein Gleidingen  0.662
Wedtlenstedt  1.65
Sonnenberg  2.3
Lamme  2.95

Nearest Class 1 cities (miles as the crow flies):
Wendeburg  7.67
Braunschweig  8.18
Groß Schwülper  10.7
Peine  14
Vordorf  14.4